Frequently Asked Questions

Which industries are covered by WIL programs?
The Namibia University of Science and Technology offers a wide range of courses across all disciplines. All our undergraduate programmes require students to complete 10% credit of WIL. Most industries can benefit from participating in Work Integrated Learning. While some professional fields such as Hospitality, Nature Conservation, Tourism, Agriculture and Engineering have a long history of structured Work Integrated Learning associated with professional accreditation requirements, WIL is increasingly becoming a feature of higher education courses across all fields of study. The Namibia University of Science and Technology can provide more specific information on the industries and professions they support.

What preparation will the student have?
Students will be sufficiently prepared through the various academic disciplines during their studies. Furthermore, the  Cooperative Education will further prepare students through Work Readiness workshops and Employability Improvement Training which are provided  especially to prepare students on corporate culture and soft skills such as; communication, teamwork, interview preparation skills, techniques to conduct successful job search, CV and cover letter writing skills, work ethics, time management, self-branding, leadership  and problem solving skills in the workplace.

What do I have to provide the student?
Firstly, students need to be provided with the rewarding workplace experience which includes the tools  and guidance they need to do their job effectively. This would include a workspace, suitable equipment and appropriate mentoring, supervision and feedback. The university can provide more specific guidance on this regard.

What value will WIL add to my business?
Students bring fresh ideas and approaches to the workplace, sharing the latest research and thinking in the field of study. On the other hand, students will assist and compliment permanent employees to complete urgent tasks. Participating in WIL may bring opportunities for employers to contribute to curriculum design and to develop research or other relationships with NUST. The mentoring  given to students can help organisations in many ways. Additionally, employees who mentor the student learn valuable management skills and, are helping to improve the quality of graduates available to your industry.

When are students available for WIL?
Most WIL programs are scheduled at particular times of the year to fit annual course structures and may run from a minimum of three  to six months or one year industry placement. Student’s availability can be discussed and agreed with the Namibia University of Science and Technology through the respective departments to cater for individual/organisation’s needs.

How much work will my staff have to do to support student?
The NUST staff will share responsibility with workplace supervisors in monitoring student’s progress. However workplace supervisors are required to provide, mentorship, coaching, guidance, support and they will be expected to provide feedback in report forms. Departmental WIL coordinators will jointly conduct assessment with workplace supervisors during and at the end of the WIL period.

How much will it cost (what will an employer provide the student)?
Namibia University of Science and Technology staff does not discuss issues pertaining to student payment, the honours lies with the host organisation to decide on incentive or allowances to be provided to students during internship. However, it will be appreciated if students are provided with transport and meal allowance to report on time to and from the workplace.

What happens if the placement doesn’t work out?
The Namibia University of Science and Technology will put mechanism in place to ensure that such situation does not occur in the first place, however if it does we will work together with the host organisation on  appropriate resolutions such as, alternative placement.