CEU acknowledged and appreciated the industry partners for hosting NUST students for Work Integrated Learning (WIL) placements over the period of three years (2017, 2018 and 2019). Among the corporates who placed students for WIL, winners were identified in three categories as follows: placement across all Faculties, Faculty specific placements and students’ placement programme initiator. The 1st place award category placement across all faculties was awarded to the Ministry of Health and Social Sciences with the placement number of 348 followed by the City of Windhoek with 245 placement number and MVA Fund with 179. Second place Faculty specific placement category was awarded to the EMED Rescue, AEMS Ambulance and Lifelink all with the placement number of 175. Third 3rd place award across faculties was awarded to the Namibia Institute of Pathology and Namibia Blood Transfusion Service both with 63 placements, followed by Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry with 56. A special internship programme initiator was awarded to the Mobile Telecommunication with 60 students placements. During the recognition breakfast, CEU conducted a real time industry feedback survey. The survey looked at the alignment between NUST WIL programmes and industry requirements, employer’s satisfaction levels with undergraduate level of employability skills, employers opinions on most important skills & competencies for undergraduates in the future. Employability skills expected from NUST graduates, what should NUST do to support students better during WIL? The results of the survey will inform the programme development, Pre-WIL curricula and enhance the coordination of WIL at NUST.
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