Dulux Namibia

Organisation: Dulux Namibia
Positions: Business Management Interns
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Interns
Sales and Marketing Interns

Educational Requirements

  • 3rd year Bachelor of Business Management; 3rd year Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management; 3rd year Bachelor of Marketing
  • WIL Eligible NUST students only

General WIL/Internship Description
The successful interns will perform tasks related to their fields of study and in line with the positions above.

Other Requirements
Successful candidates should be able to communicate effectively, be adaptable, open to learning, problem solver, able to work in a team and able to self-manage.

Other Requirements
Applications in writing (typed cover letter), accompanied by an updated CV, giving full details of work experience (if any), WIL letter, certified copies of academic records and identification documents in a single pdf file should be addressed to: : Dulux Namibia, P. O Box 11568, Windhoek, Namibia. Please submit your applications via email only to: pbatholmeus@nust.na

Closing Date: Thursday, 11 July 2024
Time: 10:00
Assumption of Duties: As soon as possible
No applications will be accepted after 10:00 and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Ms Petrina Batholmeus
T: +264 61 207 2515
E: pbatholmeus@nust.na

Closing Date:
